CAM fourth axis/de

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These experimental features allow milling of four axis faces and pockets

These features are in early development. Bugs may exist. Thank you for your feedback and testing.


Ideally, upgrade to version 0.19.16502, or higher.

Download these scripts:

Place them in your FreeCAD/Mod/CAM/PathScripts directory, *after* renaming your originals for safe keeping. Rename the new scripts to the original script names. Restart FreeCAD and have fun.

Use at your own risk.


Current 4th-axis capable operations do not handle complex/compound rotations: those involving X and Y simultaneously.

There is currently no GUI integration of 4th-axis rotational settings in the release branch. All related settings are in the Data tab of the Properties View section for each individual operation supported.


Profile Faces

Pocket Shape
